The first article I read was " How to Get past Negativity Bias in Order to Hardwire Positive Experience." The article discusses how are brain will thrive on negative experiences and keep remembering them. When applying this to a learning situation we remember bad grades and mistakes that caused those making us not want to learn anything new. The article described a plan called heal. Basically if you start to have a negative thought about something start by thinking about something happy to get rid of the negativeness and engulf yourself in it. Afterwards start working again on what gave you the negative thoughts while keeping the negativeness in the background and happiness up front. This seems to me like this would be a good way for students to think, but even through the process of heal students will still struggle, but it is a good first step to helping students be less discouraged by new knowledge. It a good article and i would suggest people read it.
The second article I read was "Seven Ways to Crush Self-Doubt in Creative Work." The article gave as the title states Seven great ways to crush self-doubt. The ways in my opinion are really based on believing in yourself and not trying to be perfect at the same time. The author gives seven great ideas to get rid of the doubt, but the most important in my opinion is trusting yourself. This article gives ideas that I believe are use full and would help students to have more confidence in attempting new ideas. I would suggest people read this article also.
Link to image
Friday, August 31, 2018
Topic Brainstorm
This post is based on the thought that I want to write my project based on a portfolio.
Subject 1: Death
I would like to write a story based on death. I have always found the idea of the mythical figure of death to be interesting. I know death can be described in many ways and even be replaced when death believes it's time to die. I have read stories about death and what it does in the past and would love to make one with my own twist.
link to stories of death by another student.
Subject 2: Dante's inferno
I have always found the subjects based on Dante's inferno to be fascinating. Though I have never read the original book The Divine Comedy, I have read many shorten versions of the stories about Dante's descent into hell. I have always loved how the level of hell are described and why people are there. I would love to maybe make a story about where people who commit modern sins would land in hell and have a character do his own descent to see their punishments.
link to site for information on Dante's Inferno
Subject 3: Grimm's tale
The Grimm brother fairy tales have always interested me. They are not your typical Disney fairy tales with a happy ending. I know the original tales are very old and very dark at times. Also when I was younger my father used to read to me out of a Grimm's fairy tale book. I would love to put my own twist on a Grimm's tale.
link to information for Grimm Fairy Tales
Subject 4: Dragons
I have always found the subject of dragons to be fascinating. I know there are lots of dragon fairy tales with different plots and twist to them. I would love to find some good dragon fairy tales and rewrite one with a twist of my own.
link to dragon information
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Week 2 Story:Tiger, Brahman, and Jackal story from the tiger
Once there was I, a curious tiger was minding my own
business and I got caught in a cage. I thought I would be done for until a
brahman came through the same area as me and saw the cage.
“Stop, will you help me” I asked the brahman.
He replied “no, for you will eat me.”
I replied “No, I will not for I will forever be in your
The brahman, after hearing this, opened the cage for me. A
few seconds from emerging from the cage my stomach started to growl, for I had
been locked in the cage for days and had not eaten. My primal instinct started
to take over and I had the need to eat something.
I explained to the Brahman, “I will give you a choice here.
I owe you a debt for opening the cage for me, but I am fighting my primal
instinct to feed on your flesh. I will give you a choice for I do owe you. I
will let you talk to the first three things you see fit to ask if you should
let me eat you or not.”
So, the brahman set out. I told him I would stay where we
were, but little did he know I followed him.
The first thing he asked was a tree and the tree responded,
“I have provided shade and cleaned the air for many but in the end, people will
cut me down. Just accept your fate.”
From there the brahman left unhappy and saddened. Next, I
followed him to where he spoke to a chicken. He asked the chickens thoughts and
it replied, “people use me for my eggs and when I am unable to lay eggs any
more they will eat me. Man, up and let what happens happen.”
Once again, the brahman left with low faith. As I followed
him he finally came across a road and asked its thoughts and it replied,”
People use me to have something to follow but never do they praise me for
helping them not get lost. We all get used for what is needed.”
Knowing the brahman had failed to find a reason for me to
not eat him I raced back to cage so that he would not know I had followed him.
I arrived at the cage and waited for him to arrive.
Later that day the brahman arrived at the cage but he was
not alone. He had brought a jackal with him.
I asked the brahman” Have you found a reason for me to not
eat you?”
He replied” I do not, but the jackal has something”
The jackal made the statement, “I am confused on how this
whole thing started. Will you explain to me what happened?”
I consented to his question being a good tiger and explain
the whole situation. Then the Jackal responded, “I am still confused will you
explain again but slower.”
Irritated I nicely explained the situation again.
The jackal once again stated, “I am still confused”
So, in a spur of the moment decision I jumped into the cage
and asked if the jackal understood thus far. He responded, “I understood the
whole time and now your locked back in the cage.”
The brahman thanked the jackal and they went their separate
ways. I had felt cheated because the brahman had spoke to one more thing than
we had made a deal for and ended up cheating me. I will remained locked in this
cage and starve to death because I was cheated the brahman and tricked by a
end story
author's notes: I took the original story of the the Tiger, Brahman, and Jackal and told the story from the tigers point of view. I made the story to look like the tiger really was not the bad guy but the brahman and the jackal cheated and were bad. By changing the point of view it changes the whole tone of the story. I also changed one character which was the buffalo to chicken for I related the chicken more to the story.I wanted to tell from the tiger view for I thought it would be fun.
bibliography: Indian Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs with illustrations by John D. Batten (1912).
Monday, August 27, 2018
Readings notes:Myth-Folklore Anthology
I have noticed a lot of these stories include animals that can speak or represent a symbol in the story. The animals can represent a person or even moral for the story. I have also noticed that through the stories people will directly interact with the animals to learn a lesson. i have also noticed that there is always a villain who seems to be be evil in some way, but in every story the protagonist will overcome the villain or any negative evil that gets in their way. When I say evil I mean from the ghost stories. Though the ghost doesn't have to be pure evil they pose a challenge for the protagonist to overcome which I would see as evil. I also noticed that a lot of the stories started with once upon a time so that must be a good way to start a story. Another aspect that stood out in many of the stories is the protagonist would win or try to take someones hand in marriage. Ending with a marriage and happily ever after seem to be a running theme. These are my thoughts so far on what I have read and noticed. As i read more I believe i will notice other themes but these are the main ideas that stood out to me this far. I will use a picture of a jackal because many of the stories contain a jackal.
link to Myth-Folklore Anthology: these are the stories I read: Author - NA
link to Myth-Folklore Anthology: these are the stories I read: Author - NA
This is a Jackal
link for Image
Sunday, August 26, 2018
Reading Options
choices I've picked out
Grim (Librivox)
I have chosen this because the stories here are stories I have heard of but never read myself, thus causing my interest to peak.
link to stories
Dante's Inferno
I have always heard about Dante's inferno through people talking about it in movies and even played a game based of Dante working his way through hell. The story peaks my interest and makes me want to read it.
Link to stories
This is another one of those stories I heard a lot about as a child. I watched movies and shows that had Sinbad but now I will be able to read his original stories as an adult.
link to stories
Dante seeing the devil in the lowest level of hell
link for image
Friday, August 24, 2018
Time Strategies
Being smart with ones time management skills is important to helping someone get through college. managing your time properly will help lead you to success. This is something I told myself through college and even when working. I plan to stay ahead on the class so I do not fall behind.
I read the article "The Important Habit of Just Starting." From what I read is it is important to start something and work on it with a schedule with breaks so that one may finish on time but it is important to start rather than procrastinate. Its a good habit to start something and continue to work on it until its finish through time. take breaks as needed but once again get it started.
I read the article " How to Beat Procrastination". the article gives good ways on how to start on something rather than to wait until last minute to do it, My favorite idea it gave was to think about being finished and how it will feel because this is something I do myself. I hate to procrastinate and like the ideas the article provides. Though there may not be a whole lot to the article it helps on something every body has done before.
You will nit be this happy by Procrastinating
link for image
Thursday, August 23, 2018
My thoughts on the technology
A lot of the technology for this class is new to me. I have never used a blog before but from the assignments so far seems simple. I have never made an website of my own, so that will be an exciting new thing for me. I have never used bookmarking and have wanted to learn how so that will be something that will be useful even outside the class. I am ready to use the technologies that are new and use all the sites that will be used in this class. I am ready to become one with the modern technology.
Do I need to explain this meme
link for image
My thoughts on the assignments
The way that you have described the class is very strait forward. I am excited about the readings for the the class for i want to learn new stories that I can share with people. The interacting online with people through their blogs will be something that is new for me. I usually do not interact with others in an online class.I also like how their are multiple option for the extra credit if we are unable to do all the assignments throughout the week. I have high hopes for the class to be entertaining and teach me a new way of learning through the blogs.
To have courage to do something brave and new
link for image
Monday, August 20, 2018
Growth mindset thoughts
I had never heard of growth mindset before. I would have to agree with the ideas that the modern education system does discourage students with the pass or fail systems. Though there are grades in most systems, students still see the grades as passing or failing. This in my opinion causes students to be encouraged when passing but discouraged when failing. this system even had these effects on me. This made me want to take easy classes so I may pass and not have any abstract thoughts. I did not learn how to face challenges until I was in college and my professors helped to push me forward and face challenges. I think that the growth mind set would be a better system for the upcoming younger generations to help develop confidence toward challenges and make abstract thoughts that other generation were not taught . These are my thoughts on the subject.
Introduction about me and things I like
My name is Nicholas Thomson. I am a mathematics major at the
university. I have always loved math so that is why I chose it as my major. What
caused me to like math was I have always exceled in the subject. Apart from doing
school all the time I do have hobbies of my own that I make time for. I am an avid
gamer. Unlike most people who tend to stay to one type of game I like to play
many different types of games. I like to play first person shooter games such
as Call of Duty or Battle Field, but I will also play games such as Final Fantasy
which I don’t see first person shooter players play very often. I also have the
hobby of coin collecting. I like to collect older coin especially old pennies. My
favorite coin is an 1832 large cent pennies that I found at my grandmothers. One
of my favorite things to do when not gaming is to watch movies. Some of my
favorite movie are all the dc and marvel movies, James Bond movies and Alien
and Predator movies. There are many more movies I love but too many to names to
name. I also love to spend time with my family and friends. When I spend time
with them we tend to do my hobbies at the same time. My favorite food is a dish
called shrimp scampi and the grossed food in the world to me would be olives. I’m
not afraid to try knew weird foods either. To prove this, I have eaten crickets
and jellyfish before and they were both still better than olives. There are
some places in the world I would like to visit. I would love to go to Japan, Europe
in general, and Antarctica. I hope that once I am out of college to find a good
stable job that would allow me to able to afford to visit these places. Along with
the stable job I hope to have a family that I love and support. This is just so
simple information about me and I hope that one of you is like me.
picture of me
this is a personal image from my phone so there is no link
Saturday, August 18, 2018
Storybook favorites from previous students
Death's Story
This story caught my eye because it was about death himself. In most stories we see death as the being who takes someones life or shows someone the way of what there doing so that shall fix themselves. In this story this is not the case. This story gives the details of how the life of death begins and ends. It also states how death can die like everyone else and be replaced showing there are more than one death. The reaper is an interesting subject and this story provides that information.
Link to Death's story
Back to the Inferno
This story caught my eye because it started off with making me think about the levels of hell. I have always had an interest in the story of the inferno from the games and story's that have been developed from Dante's inferno. In this story the authors talks about how death, another interesting subject, takes Charley, a man, to three levels of the inferno. The three levels are lust, treachery, and wrath. This is the type of story that spike my interest.
Link to Back to the Inferno
Tragically ever after
This story caught my eye because the idea that not all stories happy is realistic. This article goes over how the Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, and Beauty and the Beast do not have the happiest endings.It discusses how there stories stop being told at the highlight of the story and go down hill from there. The realism of the stories spoke to me and made me want to read more. Not everyone's story will always have a happy ending even when you are a princess.
Link to Tragically ever after
Because of the involvement of death and tragedy the image of the reaper makes sense
The reaper
Link to the reaper image
Friday, August 17, 2018
Noble Oklahoma my favorite place
Noble Oklahoma is where I grew up and went to school. Its where my parent live and where I made all my childhood friends. They say home is where the heart is and its where my heart lies. I loved Noble, where we have great restaurants and lots of rose rocks because it is the rose rock capital of the world. I love my home town.
Main street of Noble

The link for the image
Main street of Noble

The link for the image
Wednesday, August 15, 2018
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