Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Reading Notes:Myth-Folklore Unit: Eskimo Folk Tales , Part B

Money From Istock

The story I loved today was “Papik, Who Killed His Wife's Brother”. This was a fantastic story fill with envy then fear and finally death. I would love to rewrite this story with my own touch. I would set it in the big city. I would make it to where the person who has envy is because of a relatives money. Then I would have him kill the relative to gain an inheritance. I would change it up where there is no ghost but the Peron who had envy thinks there is one. He would tear himself apart and in one of his attempts to flee for his life accidentally kill himself. The lesson would be to not kill someone you know and then regret it after.

Bibliography:  Papik, Who Killed His Wife's Brother by Knud Rasmussen

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