Monday, September 10, 2018

Reading notes:Myth-Folklore Unit: Homer's Odyssey, part A

Circe By Wright Barker: link

The language of the stories is not terribly difficult to read but it is an aspect I would would change. I would write the story in a more flowing language that does seem to have such a old language tone to it. I could rewrite the part of the story for the giants or Circe’s point of view. If I were to do this, I would make it look like they were not in the wrong but rather they were doing something that is normal and they see no evil in it. I could also do a retelling of the stories with some plot point changes. An example would be in stead of the giant being blinded he is kill in the escape by his own mistake or clumsiness. I could also make it where Odysseus fails and dies. I could also write the story with a modern touch completely changing the plot but keeping the characters the same. There also seemed to be a lot of repetition in the stories, like when Odysseus is mentioned they always say a few lines after that are repeated on multiple occasions. I see no need for this and would leave this out. The story I will right will have have more of a flowing language but keep the same entertaining aspect of the story even if I do a plot change.

Bibliography: Homer's Odyssey, Translated into English by Tony Kline

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